It is that time of the year again when the students start running on all four cylinders to get ready for the exam that they have been preparing for, for so long. It’s the final sprint, the final rush towards the finish line. They have to give it their all and leave the rest in god’s hands. Those who can push through this and emerge victoriously thus become the motivation and the inspiration for those students at the other end of the spectrum, who are just at the beginning of this journey. It ignites a fire within them to give in their all and prepare in the best way possible.

In this effort to give their 100% and tackle any problems that might come, kids, start to frantically look for tips and tricks in various aspects of the preparation, be it academically or otherwise. To quench their thirst for answers to finding these tips and tricks, we here at Nearby coaching bring you the crème de la crème of tips and tricks for the general intelligence and reasoning sections of any competitive examination.

Too many student’s chagrins, the reasoning section might appear as one of the most complicated parts of any competitive paper. Many of them are timid of appearing for a reasoning section, partly due to lack of experience (in comparison to other students who have been giving these types of exams throughout their life) and partly due to ill-preparedness. Any which way, the student has to appear for the section as it is an evil necessary. Here’s how.

General intelligence and reasoning are skills that are tested in almost every paper directly or indirectly. For instance, the CAT examination for higher management studies has a verbal reasoning section, a data interpretation, and a logical reasoning section, as well as a quantitative ability section. Each of these sections tests the candidate’s general intelligence and reasoning skills in its way. This way, the aptitude of a candidate is also tested.

Thus, to give you the head start you deserve, here are some tips and tricks for general intelligence and reasoning.


Skills like intelligence and reasoning, contrary to popular belief, are not set traits. They are adaptable. These can be improved. It just takes time and effort, but what good has ever been achieved without putting in any one of those? 

  1. One of the most important aspects to remember is that a healthy body breeds a healthy mind! The first step in developing general intelligence and reasoning skills is to exercise. Many studies have shown that the more you exercise, the fresher your mind is to look at things from a new perspective. It might come in handy when solving a complex problem that you might have been stuck on for quite a long time. The exercise need not be a vigorous one: it could be anything from walking to yoga. 

  1. Get enough sleep. Only a few exceptional people are born with intelligence, but there are many people around who are intelligent. The key to developing it is to remain focused: and to be focused, an individual needs to be completely relaxed. And for that, one needs to properly sleep and thus be alert and awake for the next day.

  1. Challenge yourself. Now that the mind is alert and rested, it is time to put the mind to the test. Use Goldilock’s rule; challenge your mind up to the extent where it has to reach out of its comfort zone. But do not pick up a complex challenge that you would never be practically able to resolve. Doing the latter would only discourage you and hamper the process of growth. Engage yourselves in those activities that force you to think. It should not be a job but more of a hobby, where you enjoy putting your brain to use.

  1. Debating is also a great way to develop reasoning skills. When your counterpart suggests some points that contradict yours, it forces you to think and come up with a way to defend and counter-argue. Along the same lines, solving a Sudoku or a crossword puzzle is also a great way to put your brain to use. Many questions in the reasoning section of an exam are just puzzles. A person who has good puzzle-solving skills (like the habit of solving a Sudoku) would take it as a friendly challenge and try to solve it just like any other puzzle, thus eliminating the fear created by your mind. 

  1. According to popular belief, reasoning skills require thinking out of the box. To achieve that skill, one needs to indulge in as many creative tasks as possible as these activities force you to think out of the box. It enables you to formulate new ideas to come up with a solution to the problem. It helps to manipulate and perceive patterns.  


Q1) Are there any other ways to develop general intelligence and reasoning skills?

Yes, it is possible. These methods include:

  • Learning a new skill.
  • Reading mystery novels.
  • Try to do things the hard way instead of searching for a shortcut.
  • Meditate to control your mind.
  • Try to find answers to questions from books rather than just Googling it.

Q2) Which exams consider reasoning skills?

Almost every exam indirectly or directly tests your reasoning skills. Apart from the examination perspective, reasoning skills and general intelligence are important in daily lives as well, wherein you have to tackle many problems. So don’t just look at these from the perspective of examinations only.

Q3) How long does it take to develop these skills?

It is a continuous process. A city is built brick by brick; an ocean is made drop by drop. Similarly, these skills are developed over time and not in a day or two or a month. Regular daily efforts towards it will yield a maximum positive result. There is no definite answer to this question. It depends from person to person and the efforts they put in.

Q4) Are there any mobile applications for this?

Yes, there are plenty. Some include Luminosity, Fit Brain Trainer, Sudoku, Kakuro, Happify, etc.

Q5) What are some common mistakes made by people?

During the initial part of this process, things may seem difficult. Many give up during this tough time. It is imperative to remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just push through it.


Armed with these general intelligence and reasoning tips and tricks, begin your preparation for your competitive exam today. Best of luck and happy learning!

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